SermonsLuis JovelDecember 09, 2018Jude, Contending, Faith, Luis, Jovel Jude 1:1-4. Contending for the Faith SermonsLuis JovelDecember 09, 2018Jude, Contending, Faith, Luis, Jovel
Biblical StudiesLuis JovelSeptember 15, 2018Afterlife, Resurrection, Jesus, Luis, Jovel A sermon about the Afterlife and the Resurrection Biblical StudiesLuis JovelSeptember 15, 2018Afterlife, Resurrection, Jesus, Luis, Jovel
SermonsLuis JovelJanuary 08, 2018Jesus, Baptism, Mark, Luis, Jovel Jesus Confronts the Empire Leonardo DaVinci Baptism of Jesus SermonsLuis JovelJanuary 08, 2018Jesus, Baptism, Mark, Luis, Jovel
Biblical StudiesLuis JovelFebruary 01, 2017Segal, Alan, Hell, Heaven, Death, Luis, Jovel, Judaism, Christianity "Life After Death in Judaism" Alan F. Segal Biblical StudiesLuis JovelFebruary 01, 2017Segal, Alan, Hell, Heaven, Death, Luis, Jovel, Judaism, Christianity
Biblical StudiesLuis JovelDecember 15, 2016ridley, college, Australia, Luis, Jovel, doctoral, Scholarships Doctoral Scholarships at Ridley College Biblical StudiesLuis JovelDecember 15, 2016ridley, college, Australia, Luis, Jovel, doctoral, Scholarships
Luis JovelOctober 02, 2016Luis, Jovel, Larry, Hurtado, Destroyer, gods, Early, Christianity Larry Hurtado and his new book, "Destroyer of the gods". Luis JovelOctober 02, 2016Luis, Jovel, Larry, Hurtado, Destroyer, gods, Early, Christianity